
Praktisk Feedback efter hvert rotag


Step 1.

Udskift din eksiterende sweep eller sculler svirvel med EmPower Svirvel.

Step 2.

Tilslut med SpeedCoach GPS 2 med Træningspakke.

Step 3.

Få simpel feedback omkring taglængde, spild/tab og kraft på SpeedCoach GPS 2 LCD skærm under roning.



For dybere indsigt, upload Svirvel data direkte til mobil eller computer med brug af NK LINK App.

0 anmeldelser
Model/varenr.: 0186BLU
0 anmeldelser
Model/varenr.: 0187BLU

Tre Hoved Områder af Tekniske Feedback!


Indsats Vinkel: Lange rotag giver hurtige både. Vær sikker på du når komplet kompression med konstant feedback på længden af åretag.

Afslutnings vinkel: Hvornår er det bedst at få blade ud af vandet? Indstil og nå din e solide mål i real tids information på afslutningsvinkel

Blad Virkningsgrad

Slip: Kompression i indsats betyder ingenting med mindre dit blad er låst i vandet. Hold øje med slip for at minimere spildt rækkevidde.

Wash: En god afslutning gør forskellen. Bliv fortrolig med afslutning med tag for tag feedback.


Afslut præcist i rette øjeblik når du presser dig selv med arbejde eller power.

Forbliv ansvarlig i hold både: Kend nøjagtig hvor meget energi du sætter bag din årer.

Classic Screen

Paired with an EmPower Oarlock in Classic Mode, the SpeedCoach GPS 2 with Training Pack still has the same four windows it always did, but now you can customize those windows with any of the following metrics:

  • Stroke Rate
  • Effective Stroke Length
  • Current 500m Split
  • Distance Traveled Per Stroke
  • Average 500m Split
  • Power
  • Stroke Count
  • Average Power
  • Total Distance
  • Work
  • Catch Angle
  • Average Work
  • Slip
  • Peak Force
  • Finish Angle
  • Oar Angle at Peak Force
  • Wash
  • Force (average over whole stroke)
  • Total Stroke Length
  • Elapsed Time
  • Heart Rate

Skill Screens

Focus on specific aspects of the stroke with five dedicated Skill Screens.

SpeedCoach GPS 2 showing Catch & Slip

Catch and Slip

  • See how the oar angle at the catch affects how quickly the blade is engaged.
  • Keep athletes in team boats focused on the front end of the stroke so they can align their catch angles better.
SpeedCoach GPS 2 showing Finish & Wash

Finish and Wash

  • Quickly determine whether changing the amount of layback is helpful or hurtful to find the sweet spot for back-end length.
  • Monitor Wash throughout a race or practice piece to make sure fatigue doesn’t affect how powerfully you’re sending the boat.
SpeedCoach GPS 2 showing Catch & Slip


  • Stay long and connected in the last 500.
  • See Total Length and Effective Length at the same time to make sure you’re getting the most out of every inch of your drive.
SpeedCoach GPS 2 showing Finish & Wash

Work (joules):

  • Use a performance metric that is unaffected by current, wind, weight or stroke rate.
  • Measure individual contribution in team boats to keep athletes accountable and help them improve.
SpeedCoach GPS 2 showing Catch & Slip

Power (watts):

  • Continue your dryland training on the water with the same metric used in many ergometer workouts.
  • Pace yourself more accurately in races with a performance metric that is not influenced by factors outside the boat.